Our occupation with medical law, seeks respect for the divine gift of life and prevent medical malpractice, protecting the health of mothers and infants. Many families went through serious suffering for lifetime. It is known that before the Courts a doctor does not make a deposition against another doctor. In fact, according to the outcome of the Ombudsman there is an overlap among colleagues, a solidarity which finds fertile ground in public hospitals where the affidavit administrative examinations are normally exculpatory for the doctor. Also, the outcome emphasizes the inconsistency between disciplinary and Court decisions, resulting the phenomenon for the same medical procedures doctors found guilty of manslaughter, but acquitted disciplinary! Proof of medical malpractice is a laborious process, hampered by the expert’s report, but due to many years of expertise of our office in such matters, we  succeed large indemnities. Any conviction against a doctor, contributes to compliance, of himself and his colleagues.

Indicative reference of Medical malpractice cases our office has dealt:

  1. vs. private clinic due to improper installation of gastric ring
  2. vs. private clinic for misdiagnosis of breast cancer .

Κ vs. Health Center of Leros island for endometrial fetal death .